Teaching & Mentorship

I am passionate about helping students learn skills such as critical thinking, self-reflection, and writing, that will help them engage with and in science, and help them in their future lives and careers. I have sought out and created various opportunities to teach these skills, including formal courses, workshops and mentoring.

Teaching & TAships

  • Course Instructor, Thinking and Reasoning, PSY370, University of Toronto (2018)
  • Teaching assistant, Social Psychology of Emotions, PSY331, University of Toronto (2016)


  • Cognitive Science Undergradate Thesis Workshops (2021-2022)

    • Developed and led a series of worskhops teaching research skills to undergraduate cognitive science students
    • Topics:
      • From Idea to Research Question: Developing and Refining your Thesis Topic
      • Intro to Data Analysis in R
      • Writing for the Sciences
  • Critical Thinking in Psychology (2016-17)

    • Co-developed a series of worskhops teaching critical thinking skills to first-year psychology students


  • Teacher & President, University of Toronto Swing Dance Club (2019-20)

  • Write Now! Workshop Facilitator (2014-18)

    • Organized, created, and led workshops for students to use reflective writing as a tool for personal growth and promoting mental health
  • Peace by Peace Facilitator (2013)

    • Led weekly workshops teaching conflict resolution skills to gr. 6 students
  • Interactive Learning Adventure Summer Camp (2012)

    • Taught math and English to a class of gr. 5-7 students


I have supervised many talented undergraduate students who were either research assistants or doing independant research courses. Some of the students I have worked most closely with include:

  • Hannah Cho (Current PhD student, University of Toronto Psychology program)
  • Alexandra Waddell (Current MA student, Columbia University Master’s of Global Thought)
  • Thaddea Chua (Currently a data scientist at Accenture)
  • Victoria Davis (Current MA student, University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health)
  • Zoey Li (MA University of Toronto Health Sciences; currently working at MORSE consulting)

I have also mentored incoming graduate students as part of the University of Toronto Graduate Peer Mentor Program.